Con-ver-sa-tion- noun a talk , especially an informal one, between tow or mor people, in which news and ideas are exchanged. Human use of the world’s resources has never been greater. Understanding what we need as a species and what the world’s oceans, lakes and rivers can provide, is essential for both to survive. To understand what is needed, we need to communicate with each other, and come together to take action for sustainability and practical use.
Education elevates us as a collective. Supporting those that are learning to enhance their ability to make a difference is one of the cornerstones of Clear Currents. By providing the help that is needed to people striving to enhance our understanding of our water environments is essential and our job.
Do you hear it beckon, the call for help? At the going rate, our marine resources will reach a point where they cannot regenerate. The time is now for us all to Give A Sh..t about Nature and do something about the problem. How do we accomplish this?